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 About ima

ima was born out of the need to reduce website development cost. John Savickas had witnessed the troubling fact the numerous companies out there were trying to develop websites but were always running over budget because the cost of paying for highly trained internet developers was so expensive. To do the job right companies need to have on staff a project manager, web architect, web designers, programmers, content developers and more. John saw that the cost of salaries alone were running into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The problem with this is web teams can only develop a few projects a year and if those projects aren't of the large type (million dollar sites) then the company struggles to make a profit or better yet even cover the cost of salaries. Even supporting a companies own internal website runs into the same problem.

Logical Solution
John has came up with a solution that works for many companies out there!. His idea was to create an internet resource center where graphic design firm, advertising companies, large corporation and businesses could tap into all the necessary internet development staff without having to pay those high priced salaries. On average companies cut out some $30,000 to $300,000 a year from their internet development cost.

The way it works is simple.
Think of ima as your own web department with a full time web architects, project managers, designers, programmers and content developers. Just tap into the services you need.

Call us today to let us show you how you can start saving money on your own internet development cost. 505.298.7435.

Thank you for your interest in ima!  We value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.  If you would like to speak to us directly, please call 505 298-7435, M - F 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM MT.


General Information& New Business

  Contact Us

ima - Albuquerque
12663 Indian PL NE
Albuquerque, NM

> info@imafirst.com

ima - New York
P.O. Box 6214
Syracuse, NY

> info@imafirst.com
Copyright © 2003 Internet & Media Architects All Rights Reserved